


2019年5月30日 | 培训, 新闻 | 0评论 | 返回|



加入小企业管理局和布莱恩·卡普兰, “与谷歌一起成长”合作伙伴计划的发言人, as they introduce you to 通过谷歌在线接触客户.


Learn how customers find your business online and how to promote your business using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Smart Campaigns in Google Ads. We’ll also introduce tools to help you run your business online, 包括Google My Business和Google Trends.


  • 创建一个免费的谷歌我的企业列表
  • Improving your website’s visibility in Google’s organic search results, on all devices
  • 在谷歌上为你的企业做广告






An overview of the considerations and mechanics of the four most common ways of selling a business:

 •       To an outside entity (an individual, another company or a financial investor)



 •       To the entire group of employees (ESOP or worker cooperative)


席尔瓦集团的商业经纪人琳恩·席尔瓦, LLC and Matt Cropp of the Vermont Employee Ownership Center will present and will answer your questions about ownership transitions.






Today, video content is a vibrant and popular part of the online experience. This creates an opportunity for businesses to re-imagine the role that video content plays within their marketing strategy.

参加这个网络研讨会, being presented Certified Google AdWords Trainer Matt Weber, for best practices to connect with customers through online video.


  • 将视频整合到你的在线策略中
  • 根据预算计划和制作视频
  • 向你的目标受众推广你的视频

http://readytalk.网络广播.com/starthere.jsp?ei=1246229&tp_key = 593320 d533&sti = 分数-eventpage

Understand Basic Financial Statements to Better Your Business


The number one reason why small businesses fail is not that owners aren't passionate about what they do, 但他们不了解他们的数字.

菲利斯。约翰逊, PKJ咨询公司的老板, will explain how to become more informed and make better financial decisions simply by understanding these 3 basic financial statements: profit & 损失表、资产负债表和现金流量表.

Participants will also learn monthly financial tips to ensure the success of your business.

http://readytalk.网络广播.com/starthere.jsp?ei=1245375&tp_key = 8 ddf21ea36&sti = 分数-eventpage

小企业管理局贷款101 -借款人应该知道什么


Join us to learn valuable information on borrowing money to start or grow a small business. 你的公司需要5亿还是500万美元, the SBA offers a wide range loan porgrams to suit your needs. 在本次网络直播研讨会中,我们将介绍:


How to determine what loan program is the best fit for your business

Insight into what a lender looks for when reviewing and evaluating a loan application



Don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn how your business can get the funding it needs




Is your brand instantly recognizable or is it as good as invisible? How can you make sure it gets the attention it deserves? 好消息是, you don't have to spend a fortune on ads to boost your brand's presence and get noticed. 事实上, you can stay on people's radar for two years or more just by using branded, 促销产品.

参加这个会议, being presented by Carrie Kwapick-Nasvick and Heidi Ott with Deluxe Corporation, 有关使用品牌零售包装的建议, 服装和赃物吸引眼球和利润.


  • 如何用品牌包装给人留下持久的印象
  • 如何把顾客变成志愿营销人员
  • 流行的促销项目,你的客户会喜欢的

You'll also get a behind-the-scenes look at how promotional branding helped business owners on the "Small Business Revolution – Main Street" TV series make their presence known and stand out from the competition

http://readytalk.网络广播.com/starthere.jsp?ei=1245927&tp_key = bcb38acd32&sti = 分数-eventpage

Facebook is Falling- Crucial Marketing Strategies You Must Activate Now


Facebook is on the decline and marketing on the platform has become more difficult. The “Facebook Apocalypse” which started early 2018 is for real and continues to gain momentum. 竞争更加激烈了. Ad costs have risen and are projected to soar even higher.

你的业务还能在Facebook上蓬勃发展吗? 你是否应该转向其他社交平台?  如果有,是哪些?

This webinar presented by the owner and president of The Ruby Marketing Agency, 林恩红宝石, will cover the essential strategies for Facebook marketing today, 多样化的使命, and where she recommends you invest your time and resources now:


The 3 Facebook strategies CEOs must demand their social media team focus on and measure

2 social platforms that are hot on Facebook’s heels, and which one is right for you.



  • 何时张贴?
  • 发布什么,还有
  • 最好的帖子类型

http://readytalk.网络广播.com/starthere.jsp?ei=1245641&tp_key = 78086 ae5b6&sti = 分数-eventpage



This introduction to business planning is directed to women over the age of 50 who are interested in pursuing a second career and launching their own business.

http://www.小企业管理局.政府 /课程/ encore-entrepreneurship-women /?utm_medium =电子邮件&utm_source = 政府delivery


If you want to grow your business, you probably need to hire employees to help you. Becoming an employer and expanding your staff entails many responsibilities, 其中之一就是监督工资税. 不幸的是,关于这些税有很多误解.


从SCORE -录制的网络研讨会 点击这里

http://www.分数.org/recorded-webinars?utm_medium =电子邮件&utm_source = 政府delivery

SBA学习中心 点击这里

http://www.小企业管理局.政府 /工具/ 小企业管理局-learning-center /搜索/培训?utm_medium =电子邮件&utm_source = 政府delivery



Department of 教育 Awards SFSC $5 Million STEM Grant

Department of 教育 Awards SFSC $5 Million STEM Grant

October 21, 2016 - South Florida State College has been awarded a nearly $5 million, five-year grant...

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The Florida Department of Environmental Protection is hosting its 5th Annual Brownfield Symposium in...

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Florida Hospital Performing “Live Case Transmission” to C3 Global Cardiovascular Symposium

Florida Hospital Performing “Live Case Transmission” to C3 Global Cardiovascular Symposium

Florida Hospital Heartland Medical Center Sebring was selected as one of only five medical centers i...

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技能差距分析所需投入,SFSC奖励2美元.300万美元用于劳动力培训. 大纲...

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突发新闻:SBA的经济损失灾难贷款 & 提前计划重新开放

突发新闻:SBA的经济损失灾难贷款 & 提前计划重新开放

为了进一步满足美国的需求.S. 小企业和非营利组织,美国.S. 小型企业管理局...

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Florida Hospital Sebring Designated Diagnostic Imaging “Center of Excellence”

Florida Hospital Sebring Designated Diagnostic Imaging “Center of Excellence”

Florida Hospital Heartland Medical Center in Sebring has been designated a Diagnostic Imaging Center...

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Enhancing the quality of life in Highlands County by attracting a variety of new businesses and increasing industrial investment, all while facilitating the retention and successful expansion of existing businesses and industry.


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(F) 863.402.6651