


2019年1月2日 | 培训, 新闻 | 0评论 | 返回|

美国.S. 小企业管理局(SBA)和SCORE, 全国最大的志愿者网络, 专业的商业导师, offer a variety of free webinars and trainings to strengthen businesses and help them succeed. Below is a highlight of the free webinars that are available this month to businesses in Sebring, 普莱西德湖, 和雅芳公园, 佛罗里达以及全国.美国.S. 小企业管理局(SBA)和SCORE, 全国最大的志愿者网络, 专业的商业导师, offer a variety of free webinars and trainings to strengthen businesses and help them succeed. Below is a highlight of the free webinars that are available this month to businesses in Sebring, 普莱西德湖, 和雅芳公园, 佛罗里达以及全国.


Helping Small Business Owners and their Employees Save for Retirement


Choosing a retirement savings plan can be easier than many small business owners think.

The webcast will provide practical information and helpful tips to understand the retirement savings options available for small businesses. 美国.S. Department of Labor will discuss the options and how to get started after choosing a plan. The California Society of Certified Public Accountants will provide a peer perspective to help you consider and compare the options. The options not only provide an effective way to save for a secure retirement but most also provide tax advantages for both employers and employees. The Consumer Federation of America will focus on how direct deposit helps employees save for retirement at work and build stronger financial futures.  Direct deposit also helps employers simplify their business processes and increase productivity. Join us for the webcast and get started saving for a secure retirement for yourself and your employees.


http://mp163422.cdn.mediaplatform.com/163422/wc/mp/4000/15208/111218/Lobby/default.htm?ref = Production团队Email&utm_medium =电子邮件&utm_source = 政府delivery





This class discusses the multiple sources of capital for starting and growing a small business. 对资金来源的利弊进行了审查. Topics to be discussed include familiar options such as self-financing, funding from friends & 家庭和伙伴关系. 其他来源的审查,如:
Some less conventional financing sources along with their pros and cons are also discussed, 包括出售股权(股份), 风险资本, 天使投资人, 还有众筹.



Create a Powerful and Practical PR Strategy for Your Small Business


Small business owners may think they’re too small for a public relations plan, 但是,各种规模的企业都可以产生正面的影响. How can you create a manageable PR strategy while still running your business?

在这个网络研讨会上, SCORE Mentor Jasmine Powers will teach you three easy-to-implement methods for getting into local and national papers, 在线网站, TV, 广播和播客.


  • 为你的特定新闻确定合适的媒体影响者
  • Position yourself as an expert to add credibility to any news story
  • Talk to media with confidence, and avoid the disaster of hitting the trash file
  • Turn your media placement into a sales funnel that runs on autopilot
  • 吸引难以接触到的受众的注意
  • 额外提示:如果你得到负面报道该怎么办

http://readytalk.网络广播.com/starthere.jsp?ei=1227869&tp_key = a5d90d8f81&sti = 分数-eventpage


咨询CPA 2019 -小企业税务建议


4月15日的到来比你想象的要快! 你有税务问题. 我们有税务方面的答案. 加入我们的LIVE Q&A session with certified CPA and small business tax expert Micah Fraim. The hour will be dedicated to answering your tax-related questions and concerns, 尤其是随着新税法的变化. He will also offer tax advice you can implement throughout the year. You can submit questions during registration and during the LIVE webinar.

http://readytalk.网络广播.com/starthere.jsp?ei=1228308&tp_key = a7617963aa&sti = 分数-eventpage







  • 增加你的收入,一次一个客户
  • 提高你的平均销售额
  • “成交”
  • 帮助愤怒的顾客
  • 为你的客户创造更好的体验

了解销售流程. 帮助客户选择你的产品和服务. 一个客户值多少钱? 你为什么会失去客户? 我们如何提高每笔交易的销售额? 你会学到这些东西,甚至更多. This class is taught by a business professional with many years of coaching and sales experience. Most of the sales knowledge passed on in this class applies regardless of your products or services.







What can your competitors teach you about your business or the market you’re thinking about entering?  比你想象的要多. 本次网络研讨会由SCORE导师Michael Sandman主持, you’ll learn how to use competitive intelligence to help you start or run your small business. 本次会议将包括:



What you can learn from owners and employees of businesses like yours


http://readytalk.网络广播.com/starthere.jsp?ei=1229466&tp_key = e9b9fcffb9&sti = 分数-eventpage





http://www.小企业管理局.政府 /博客/ 7-marketing-mistakes-can-come-back-haunt-you?utm_medium =电子邮件&utm_source = 政府delivery



Chatbots for Customer Service: How Small Businesses are Using Them

Chatbots are computer programs that are able to converse with people online using human-like speech. They’re common within messaging apps and live chat features to help businesses answer customer queries, 增加销售,节省时间. 而且它们越来越受欢迎了.

http://links.政府delivery.com/track?类型=单击&enid=ZWFzPTEmbWFpbGluZ2lkPTIwMTkwMjI0LjIyMDI3MDEmbWVzc2FnZWlkPU1EQi1QUkQtQlVMLTIwMTkwMjI0LjIyMDI3MDEmZGF0YWJhc2VpZD0xMDAxJnNlcmlhbD0xNzIyNzA5NyZlbWFpbGlkPWxlb24ua295YW1hQHNiYS5nb3YmdXNlcmlkPWxlb24ua295YW1hQHNiYS5nb3YmZmw9JmV4dHJhPU11bHRpdmFyaWF0ZUlkPSYmJg==&&&104&&&http://www.小企业管理局.政府/blogs/chatbots-customer-service-how-small-businesses-are-using-them?utm_medium =电子邮件&utm_source = 政府delivery



A website is an essential element for running a successful business. 如果你的企业没有网站, you can lose out on great opportunities if current and potential customers can’t reach you or learn about you online.

http://www.小企业管理局.政府 /博客/ 5-key-ingredients-creating-small-business-website?utm_medium =电子邮件&utm_source = 政府delivery



http://www.小企业管理局.政府 /课程/ growing-established-company /?utm_medium =电子邮件&utm_source = 政府delivery


从SCORE -录制的网络研讨会 点击这里

http://www.分数.org/recorded-webinars?utm_medium =电子邮件&utm_source = 政府delivery


SBA学习中心 点击这里

http://www.小企业管理局.政府 /工具/ 小企业管理局-learning-center /搜索/培训?utm_medium =电子邮件&utm_source = 政府delivery




PRESS RELEASE: Governor DeSantis Activates Emergency Business Damage Assessment Survey for Coronavirus (COVID-19)

PRESS RELEASE: Governor DeSantis Activates Emergency Business Damage Assessment Survey for Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The Business Damage Assessment Survey can be taken online at www.floridadisaster.商业

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U.S. 小型企业管理局ration (SBA): Entrepreneurs Need to Prepare for Natural Disasters - the ...

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突发新闻:SBA的经济损失灾难贷款 & 提前计划重新开放

突发新闻:SBA的经济损失灾难贷款 & 提前计划重新开放

为了进一步满足美国的需求.S. 小企业和非营利组织,美国.S. 小型企业管理局...

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On April 27, 2017, Sebring Airport Authority (SAA) and the City of Sebring hosted Chinese deleg...

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The Selection Committee for The Florida Citrus Hall of Fame has announced two distinguished leaders ...

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Enhancing the quality of life in Highlands County by attracting a variety of new businesses and increasing industrial investment, all while facilitating the retention and successful expansion of existing businesses and industry.


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